I'm just waiting to see if I receive a visit from the long-lost "shepherds."
Thankfully, when I faded they gave up on me very quickly.
i saw a post on reddit from somebody claiming to be an elder that the jw religion wants to contact all inactives.. some of the responses indicate that some were contacted or had close friends or relatives being asked for their contact information.
some of these people have been out of the jw religion for many years and have moved on.
the ones contacted said the jw informed them about cancelled meetings (as though they would care).
I'm just waiting to see if I receive a visit from the long-lost "shepherds."
Thankfully, when I faded they gave up on me very quickly.
what are they going to do with their 'go bags(tm)' now?.
convert them to 'stay bags'?.
At least Kevin won't catch Coronavirus from JW's in their confined bunker.
the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa) is holding a public hearing in the child protection in religious organisations and settings investigation for the next two weeks.
the provisional timetable for the first week was released today: https://www.iicsa.org.uk/key-documents/17795/view/2020-03-12-cpiros-public-hearing-week-one-timetable.pdf .
five witnesses will testify on the jw issue next thursday, 19 march:.
Mr. Brady speaks with forked tongue.
Both he and Paul Gillies are Dumb & Dumber if they believe that their weasely worded submissions are going to fool those folks at the inquiry who have a higher education!.
The org's woes are not going to be ending sooooooon! Tm.
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Wow Giordano, you've obviously not carefully read the post.
Exactly who/what paid for your room & board and gave you your $14 dollars per month? Donations, charity. You were living off others for your accommodation and meals. That's the truth.
Your "hard labour" was self-inflicted and given voluntarily! Hence the vow of poverty. Or am I genuinely missing something?
in an interview on the bbc yesterday, a virus expert laid it on the line:.
he basically said that until the vast majority of people have been infected (or eventually vaccinated) and are then immune from re-infection, the problem will not go away.
in other words, virtually all of us may be infected before a vaccine is delivered, thereby putting all of the at-risk elderly citizens in the uk in a really perilous position.
@ the wonderofyou - a friend who has colleagues in Italy has been told that even young & healthy Italians have died.
I haven't seen that in the news.
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Yup, but they are still leeches who live off other people's earnings!
Why don't they follow Paul's example? Not one single (honest!) Bible character spent their life scrounging off of others!
every single member of the worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovah’s witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 grand totals) – which includes all of the governing body, all bethelites, every jw missionary, every circuit overseer, and all special pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings.
where in the bible is that a “principle”?
Every single member of The Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (yb16 p. 176 2015 Grand Totals) – which includes ALL of the Governing Body, ALL Bethelites, EVERY JW missionary, EVERY Circuit Overseer, and ALL Special Pioneers – are worse than people without* faith!
Why? Because they have all signed a vow of poverty which renders them as parasites, living off other people's earnings. Where in the Bible is that a “principle”?
The hardest working apostle (Paul) never expected anyone to support him when he was witnessing. He worked to pay his own way in life.
* (1 Timothy 5:8) “Certainly if anyone does NOT provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.”
(2 Thessalonians 3:10) “If anyone does NOT want to work, neither let him EAT.”
in an interview on the bbc yesterday, a virus expert laid it on the line:.
he basically said that until the vast majority of people have been infected (or eventually vaccinated) and are then immune from re-infection, the problem will not go away.
in other words, virtually all of us may be infected before a vaccine is delivered, thereby putting all of the at-risk elderly citizens in the uk in a really perilous position.
The UK is basically trying to slow down the numbers being infected, in order to prevent the NHS being inundated with seriously ill elderly patients for whom there would be no ventilators and no hospital beds - a virtual death sentence for many of those ones.
in an interview on the bbc yesterday, a virus expert laid it on the line:.
he basically said that until the vast majority of people have been infected (or eventually vaccinated) and are then immune from re-infection, the problem will not go away.
in other words, virtually all of us may be infected before a vaccine is delivered, thereby putting all of the at-risk elderly citizens in the uk in a really perilous position.
In an interview on the BBC yesterday, a virus expert laid it on the line:
He basically said that until the vast majority of people have been infected (or eventually vaccinated) and are then immune from re-infection, the problem will not go away.
In other words, virtually all of us may be infected before a vaccine is delivered, thereby putting all of the at-risk elderly citizens in the UK in a really perilous position.
He made it clear that the rate of infections had to be limited as much as possible because the NHS does not have the testing, the beds, the ventilators, or the staff to cope with a tsunami of critically ill elderly victims.
the first witnesses with corona in the local congregation over here are reported today.. g..
The H8FUL8 in Warwick should have sent out a loud & clear message to every congregation on planet earth - "Stop congregating with others at meetings, assemblies, and in homes - and cease all public ministry."
Instead, some countries were told to have meetings in small groups in someone's home.
Do you think the 8 Elmer Gantry impersonators will be meeting with others in small rooms at HQ?